Whenever you have 15 cards or more sometimes it’s just easier to batch the process and have everything made at once and we totally understand that! We have made it to where you can upload a spreadsheet of all of the employee data that will appear on the card and our site will turn that data into cards! We have made a video showing the step-by-step process of how to do this, but I also have the steps outlined below.
Creating the Spreadsheet
1. Go to “Templates” in your account.
2. Locate the template you would like to make your cards with and hit the download icon next to it. When you open the spreadsheet you will see that it already has the variables on your template as columns. Fill in the columns with the appropriate employee info.
Upload the Spreadsheet
1. Once the spreadsheet is ready to be uploaded go to your account and click “Cards” then select “Upload .CSV”.
2. Hit “Next” to go to Step 2 “Edit Data”
3. Review the information laid out for every card. This is where you can edit any misspellings or incorrections. Hit “Create Cards” when all is accurate.
4. Upload Images. Each card is conveniently laid out with an “Upload” under them. Select “Upload” to upload the employee’s photo.
5. Cropping the image: This is where you can crop the photo to how you would like it to appear on the card and select “Upload”.
6. When you have gone through and uploaded all images select “Finish”. You will be taken to your list of cards where you will now see the entire list from the spreadsheet.
If you would like to watch the video going through the steps you can find it here. For any questions regarding spreadsheet uploads always feel free to reach out to [email protected]!