Please enjoy this month’s newsletter. We hope to continue a long and successful partnership and keep meeting your unique business needs.
Have you considered using RFID technology in your ID Cards?
RFID can provide enhanced security as well as ease-of-use for many auto-identification applications like time & attendance, single sign-on, and building access control. There are three main RFID technologies available: LF (low-frequency), HF (high-frequency), and UHF(ultra-high frequency). The first two provide a read distance of only an inch or two, whereas UHF cards can be read several meters away. HF is the most secure, and is compatible with NFC phones to enable many mobile applications. Some technologies allow data encryption for enhanced security, or on-card data storage for supplemental applications. There are many ways to implement these “smart” ID cards – as an example, see our blog post (Feb. 21 2015) to learn how to build a simple check-in system in under anhour! Or call us to discuss how RFID technologies could be used to enhance your daily operations.
CVS Users Can Now Receive Warnings of Expiring Credentials
Some clients use CVS to keep tabs on which of their employees’ credentials are coming up for expiration in the months ahead. There has always been an ability to view, on-demand, credentials expiring in the upcoming 30, 60, and 90 days. Now clients can schedule a monthly email giving them a list of those credentials, so they are automatically reminded of the need to schedule re-training or re-certification courses in advance. The emails can be sent to multiple recipients, and can be set for any preferred day of the month. You can easily set up these automatic reminders on the company preferences page. For a full list of recent enhancements made to the CVS service, check out the blog on the InstantCard website.
Reminder: How to check if and when your cards have been ordered.
Many clients want to make sure that the cards they submitted for print were successfully received by us. You can confirm that your order went through by looking at the printer icon to the right of the individual’s name. If the printer icon is still grayed out, it means that this particular card has never been ordered before. If the printer icon is blue, it means that we have printed and mailed out this card. You can click on any of the blue printer icons to show a detailed print history for a specific person.