
We provide unlimited, free support, in various different ways:

  • We provide custom template design services to every new client – for free!
  • On our website you will be able to find tutorials for editing card designs as well as entering in company data. These videos go into play-by-play details as to the process of working different aspects of the program while at the same time being concise enough to avoid information overload.
  • We offer webinars for group training, so we can guide new users set-by-step through the process
  • We have an online screen-sharing tool, Glance, which allows us to see your screen (once you provide authorization) to help you overcome any specific issue you may encounter
  • Clients are always welcome to contact us directly by phone, email, or online chat if they ever feel the need as well. We pride ourselves on our level of personal support for any questions or you may have or any special service requirements.