When designing your ID card, it’s important to have a list of information that’ll be placed on the card. The design of the card should revolve around this data. Often people tend to focus all their time and attention on the front of the card. They work to fit in all the details they can, while also trying to keep it clean and professional. It can be easy to overlook the valuable space available on the ID card back side!
The back of ID cards are often an under-utilized real estate — but they don’t have to be. With a double-sided card, you can include important details on the back that might not fit on the front of your card, or otherwise detract from its layout.
It may seem obvious to put an employee photo and name on an ID badge, but what other info should you consider? Here are a few ideas to help you decide what to put on the back of an ID card:
Lost Card Info
For any company, it’s recommended to include an “If found” address on the back of the ID card. This way, if any employee loses their ID card, it can be returned. You should clearly mention how to return a lost card. For example: If found, please return to XYZ Corporation, 123 Any Street, ABC Town, NY, 55555.
Additional Cardholder Data
Often there’s information that can’t fit on the front of the card, such as employee anniversary date, date of birth, contact information, etc. Rather than clutter the front of the card, this kind of information can be pushed to the back. For example, with police ID cards, you need to include demographic information. Usually this can be placed on the back of the card along with a legal disclaimer and return address.
Duplication of Front Data
You may find it more suitable to have the front duplicated to the back. This is typically useful when you don’t have a lot of information. It saves you from the hassle of having to flip the card in either direction. Instead, the employee’s important information is always visible.
You can also add a disclaimer such as property information and cardholder responsibilities. For example, a student ID may have a disclaimer that reads:
“This card is your official University School ID, and should be carried at all times. It’s the property of XYZ School, and the policies and regulations of the University govern its use. This card is NOT TRANSFERABLE. The University is not responsible for any loss or expenses resulting from the loss, theft, or misuse of this card. A replacement fee will be charged if this card is lost, damaged, or stolen. If found, please return the card to Card Services.”
Schedule or Calendar
Another great idea is to list upcoming events, sales, activities, holidays, etc. For example, if you’re offering a rewards program, you may print the program requirements, contact information, and expiration date on the back of ID cards.
Safety Guidelines
Consider adding fire/safety guidelines on the back of ID cards. This can include information on emergency evacuation procedures, workplace safety rules, emergency contact numbers, helplines, and special instructions applicable in case of a natural disaster. Another idea is to print an emergency evacuation map on the back of the card. You may also add intercom codes on your card.
Fingerprints, Barcodes, & QR Codes
You can also include a QR code, barcode, and/or fingerprint on the back of ID cards. This way, users can use their card to access data and even unlock doors. Placing all this information on the back will allow the designer to create a beautiful branded badge without all the barcodes and fingerprints on the front.
Here’s another advantage of putting this info on the card: When a person’s identity is in question, adding a copy of the authorized employee’s signature or fingerprint on the back of the card will help detect a fraudulent ID or unauthorized visitors.
Employee ID Badge Tips
Your ID card back side instructions may also include tips on how to keep the card safe. For example, you can print the following instructions:
- Don’t affix stickers or other items on your ID card.
- Don’t bend your card or punch a hole in it.
- Store your card in a protective sleeve or wallet.
- Don’t store your card with keys or other items that could scratch it.
Mission & Vision Statement
A creative idea is to put your company’s mission and vision statement on the back of your card. This will enable your employees to have constant reminders of your company’s core values and objectives.
Still unsure if you’ll be printing on one or both sides of the card? No worries! Give the InstantCard professionals a call at 888-980-6179 to discuss your situation. We don’t charge to print black and white on the back of ID cards. Feel free to discuss with us what you want on the back and we’ll let you know what will work!
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