The world we live in has changed substantially since the arrival of the Coronavirus. Everyone is adapting to a “new normal” with a heightened level of insecurity. Anyone we interact with might be a source of possible infection. Each individual is making his or her own decision about safety each time they choose to interact with those outside their “bubble” of trusted persons. This is making photo id cards even more important.
Face-to-face Mask-to-mask
This creates a whole new set of challenges for businesses that depend upon face-to-face interactions between their staff and their clients. Everyone knows about the huge impact this has had on the restaurant and hotel industry. Businesses in the tourism industry have had to modify their operations substantially to address this new environment of fear and insecurity. Many new procedures are in place. Especially to allow their customers to feel secure and safe while eating out or traveling.
Less well known, but equally impacted, are those businesses which provide services in homes and offices. Businesses which provide cleaning, construction, installation, repair, and similar services, have seen a massive decline in business. As clients put off, or renounce, projects that would have previously been scheduled. These companies are all seeking ways to assure customers that their services can still be utilized without undue risk. While simultaneously keeping their employees safe. For many of these companies, especially the smaller ones, their very survival depends on their ability to conduct business safely. And the services industry in the United States comprises hundreds of thousands of these small businesses. Which are especially vulnerable if the current situation continues into next year.
There are many ways to make customers feel safe, and not each one is appropriate in every situation. Among the various approaches, these service companies must reassure their clients that their staff have been properly trained. That they will follow safe practices during their whole period of interaction. If customers are concerned that a company representative may not be aware of social distancing and similar measures to keep safe, they will refuse to do business. So, any strategy for these service companies to safely re-open for business must include a way of quickly re-assuring clients on these safety measures.
How Photo ID Cards Add Security
One well-known and common method of providing reassurance to clients is the tried and trusted photo ID card. Through the ages, badges have been with us as a way to inform strangers of the role or responsibilities that someone has. For example, a police officer or security guard. Badges now typically include credentials and qualifications. For example “Registered Nurse” or “Electrician”. And in today’s pandemic environment, badges are more important than ever. It is up to our badges to send a message of safety to those people your employees interact with.
Photo Identification is a well-known and long-standing method for someone to quickly validate the authenticity of a person. Badges have additional information, specific to each organization, that sends a message of reassurance. Whether its about their training, their association with the company, their qualifications, or their health status, the photo ID card can be a valuable tool to communicate critical information, quickly and cheaply, to third parties. Check out our 12-Point Checklist to see how you can effectively implement an ID card policy in this time of insecurity.