Are you in charge of organizing an important upcoming event? Then you are certainly trying to make your event as professional as possible. All large conferences, concerts, and sports events feature over-sized badges which staff, and often attendees, wear on lanyards around their necks to gain access. While large ID cards have been the norm for major trade shows and conferences for many years, these kinds of professional, plastic badges have generally not been available to smaller event organizers.
But now, InstantCard offers an on-demand service for advance printing of full-color VIP passes for events of as few as 25 people! InstantCard has provided on-demand printing of standard photo ID cards, which are the size of a credit card, for over 15 years. Now, InstantCard has expanded its service to include extra-large cards specifically for the events business. InstantCard will print your PVC plastic VIP badges right up to the last day before your event, then send them by overnight delivery directly to your venue.
Customization Options
Event passes can be customized with a wide range of options, including name, access rights, and even photographs. This allows the event staff on-site to easily differentiate different categories of personnel: staff, VIP, press, bronze-silver-gold, etc. Passes can be printed front-only, or front-back. The cards generally have two hole-punches, so they don’t flip around when they are being worn. We can even provide you with lanyards, so you have a full package, ready to register your attendees upon their arrival.
What this means is that you don’t have to hassle with setting up expensive card printers on-site. You don’t have to worry about how to deal with the lines of people as they are waiting to register. The cards are printed in advance, as people register for your event, so you just need to hand them out when the person arrives. You are freed up to spend your time on all the thousands of other details which make for a successful event, without worrying about passes for your conference guests.
Wide Range of Venues
The service is available to concert promotors and sports event organizers as well. In many of these kinds of major events, general audience members do not need to identify themselves other than with a ticket. However, oversized badges are the norm for sound and stage engineers, security staff, gate-check personnel, concessions booth staff, and so forth. All these can be printed in advance since these peoples’ identities are generally known weeks prior to the opening of the actual event.
We also provide these large-format badges to the staff of permanent venues, such as theaters and concert halls. Wherever there are locales where a clear, visible identification is required to allow people to enter restricted areas, these unfalsifiable passes are a game-changer. Whenever there are concerns about security, having a large plastic pass for backstage access is far superior to smaller name badges.
Attendee Tracking Technology
InstantCard can also enhance your attendee badges with one or multiple technologies for tracking purposes. Auto-ID technology options include barcodes, QR codes, NFC, or RFID. For little or no additional cost you will be able to gather data on where your attendees go, as well as integrate with various badge scanning platforms to correctly channel your guests to their seats or authorized access locations.
Pre-printing your extra-large plastic event passes in advance will not only save you time, but will be far more economical than on-site printing. InstantCard has specialized in on-demand card printing services for 15 years, and has continually invested in advanced technologies to automate the process. As a result we provide the service at a very low per-badge cost, making your event far more professional while improving your bottom-line.
If you would like to discuss badging for the next event that you are organizing, don’t hesitate to reach out by email to the specialist team at InstantCard: [email protected].