Several clients have told us that they were not aware of some of the new features we’ve been adding in to CVS (Credential Verification Service). We are grateful for all the suggestions that we have been receiving on improvements, large and small, that we can make to improve the functionality and usability of the service. Please keep those suggestions coming!
Here is an overview of the significant improvements we’ve made to the service over the last few months.
- User upload – ability to upload a large number of new users, including their photos, with meta data in a .csv spreadsheet
- Scheduled User de-activation – ability to schedule the automatic de-activation of an employee after a set period of time, or after a specified date
- Find qualified employees – ability to search for users by credential name, or by title, or both
- QR code generation – ability to generate an image of the QR code for a given employee, for use in other applications
- Card Print History – ability to see when photo ID cards have been printed for each employee, and see which users have not yet had badges printed
- Photo Upload – ability to rotate ID photos as well as crop/zoom
- User list display – ability to change the number of employee records viewed on a page (options for 30, 50, 100, 250)
Credential/Qualification Management
- Credential upload
- ability to add multiple credentials for an individual at one time
- ability to upload a large number of document images, with meta data in a .csv spreadsheet
- ability to add the same qualification to multiple employee records at the same time
- ability to update the data (acquisition date, expiration date, document image) of an existing credential, in addition to adding a new credential
- Credential Display – improve manner in which .pdf documents display on any size screen
- Credential Nomenclature – The ability to require, or provide as an option, standard credential names so all names are consistent. The same option exists for Qualifications.
- Credential Expiration – on-demand listing of all credentials coming up for expiration in 30, 60 and 90 days, and all expired credentials; separated by active and inactive employees
- Web services – An API has been published which allows the import of credential images directly from another system or web server, such as an LMS (Learning Management System)
We really appreciate the regular feedback we are receiving from our many CVS users, and will continue to try to be responsive to fit user requests into our development schedule, along with many new features that are in the works which will extend and improve the ability to serve an even wider range of industry requirements.
If you’d like further information on how any of these new features work, just call or email.
For anyone seeking more information on the CVS service, please click here: CVS overview.