Two options so clients each have their own, unique ID cards
Free Custom Photo ID Card Template Design Service
Most customers use our free, professional card design service. We review all specific requests with our clients by phone or email, then submit proposed designs to ensure full satisfaction. You can request unlimited modifications/changes to your custom ID cards… at no charge!
Our professional card designers have years of experience, and will come up with a design which is sure to please your whole team. We’ll even create multiple templates for you, if you want to visually distinguish different categories of personnel.
We have learned that clients, who very rarely have to create an ID card design, prefer letting our professionals do the work, because that is what they do every day! You can review some of our custom ID cards in our sample gallery here.
Some customers, especially those with strong graphic design skills, or those with a graphic arts department, prefer designing their own custom ID cards. You can submit artwork in a number of standard formats. We will then integrate your artwork into our service, to ensure 100% correspondence to your corporate graphic standards. If you decide to take this route, have a look at our blog post→ID Card Design: 4 Things to Avoid
For graphics specifications and card artwork/layout guidelines, please click here. To review additional options available to make your card fit your specific requirements, click here.
If your organization requires multiple ID card designs, or if over time you require template changes, these are provided at no additional cost.

Providing Print-Ready Artwork
As an alternative to providing artwork for an ID badge template.
Learn more about providing print-ready artwork →
If you want to create your own ID badge design we normally recommend, however, that you provide artwork to create a template. Providing print-ready artwork requires you to manually make an image for each employee ID badge. By creating an ID badge template, employee information is automatically entered , and there’s no additional work needed when you need new ID cards.
We only recommend providing print-ready artwork for a one-off run of cards, where you will not need to use the design again.